By Nancy Rooks

As Told To Jim Cox


From the publishers website:


If you wanted a picture of the life of Elvis Presley, who better to paint it for you than someone who worked as his trusted cook and maid at Graceland? Someone whose daily tasks centered around keeping the 'King of Rock & Roll' happy, whose every move was designed to please the greatest music legend the entertainment world has ever known. Here is that picture, as painted by Nancy Rooks. Nancy worked for Elvis from 1967 until his untimely death in 1977. Read her stories of what those years were like, of what the routines were at Graceland, and what it meant to be close to Elvis and his family on a daily basis. Read the sad account of her rushing upstairs, after a frantic call from Ginger Alden, and finding him on the bathroom floor. This book presents that picture, one that every Elvis fan will want to see.


This book is one of the better, ok, best books published recently concerning Elvis Presley. It's 149 pages are filled with the sense of pride that Mrs. Rooks must have felt during her ten years of service to Elvis, and her numerous years of service at Graceland following Elvis' death.

Too many books to date on Elvis Presley have a very clinical and unfriendly tone about them. Inside Graceland on the other hand comes across as a very touching, sometimes heartbreaking (concerning the day, and days following Elvis' death) book. Mrs. Rooks' emotions shine through every single page.

As stated above, the book covers Mrs. Rooks first day of work for the Presley family, up to Aunt Delta's passing. There are many new revelations that only someone who was at Graceland day in and day out could pass onto the fans. For example, did you know that in the days following Elvis' death Mrs. Rooks and her fellow co-workers would hand deliver via - golf cart, meals for the numerous uniformed guards? And that a helicopter was used because of the increasing amount of fans near the gate to deliver the never-ending supply of gifts, and food due to the outpouring of local businesses and restaurants? Or more shockingly that one of the security guards was fired in the 70's for some very naughty behavior aimed towards Lisa Marie?

These and many, many more stories are contained in this very well laid out book. EVERY Elvis fan needs this book. See for yourself here, where you can read the first chapter:

Please, get your very own copy, hand signed by Mrs. Rooks TODAY!


To purchase, and for more info, click here:

Again, I don't give my seal of approval to just any project. This book gets it!


Jordan Ritchie